Lower Secondary Diploma Examination (Grade 9) for the academic year 2023-2024

On August 12, 2024, the American Intercontinental School organized the Lower Secondary Diploma Examination (Grade 9) in accordance with the program of the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports, according to letter No. 2502 a yk. k br l. and letter No. 2618 a yk. k br l. It should be informed that this exam session will be held for 2 days, on August 12-13, 2024.

In addition, the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports has allowed all educational institutions to organize the lower secondary school diploma exam (grade 9) for the academic year 2023-2024 according to their respective exam calendar. The American Intercontinental School has organized exams with a calm and orderly atmosphere in all branches in the capital and provinces. There are a total of 1,150 students enrolled in today's exam in all branches in the capital and provinces, of which 757 are male and 393 are female.

On this occasion, Neak Okha Dr. Mengly Jandy Quach and the school management, as well as teachers and staff of all levels of the American Intercon School, also wished all students to pass the exam and have good grades. During the exam period in the school year 2023-2024 as well.

Aug 12, 2024

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