Message from Principal for Preschool

Message from Principal for Preschool

Welcome ladies and gentlemen, parents or guardians! Hello dear little children!

American Intercon School is a school for students at all levels/grades, from Preschool to 12th grade. Indeed, for Preschool and kindergarten, our school accepts children from 2 years old to 5 years old. In addition, the school recruits teachers who have a pedagogical degree, experiences in teaching, professional skills in early childhood, and we also have teacher aide who are well trained. In addition, teachers have implemented student centered approach that creates a learning environment for children through playing and learning, can help young children develop language (speaking, reasoning) and intellectual skills (analyzing, understanding the quantity-less or more), have a passion , like good deeds, share, respect the elders and understand the morality of living in society. Not only that, all the study materials are carefully designed to allow children to use practical tools in order to cultivate knowledge of mathematics, language, geography, science in their daily lives. Also, the learning process is to maintain a pleasant learning environment as students are able to get the opportunity of the “curiosity phase” of the young children’s nature to become proficient and other knowledge in the future as well. Most of the learning materials are child-corrected, which reduces the interference of adults and helps young children to be successful in the self-understanding process. Not only that, we also focus on hygiene, politeness, courtesy, respect and independence.

The overall goal is to provide a warm, caring environment that is essential to the development of each child’s personality, which can be achieved through the use of rich materials and the continuous improvement of school management. After all, young children are free to learn at their own pace without the pressures of time set by our fast-paced social processes.

Here, children will gain ownership, self-confidence and respect for each other. We always welcome you, the parents and guardians of children from 2 to 5 years old. Finally, on behalf of the school management, I would like to wish all of you, parents and guardians happiness and success in life.


Mr.Tangkea Teng

Assistant Principal of Preschool, Kindergarten and Elementary School, Takeo Campus

Nov 03, 2022

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